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Google Analytics 4 (GA4)

Executive Summary

Squid represents the evolution of web analytics into a more accessible, practical, and small-business-friendly tool, distinguishing itself significantly from more complex platforms like Google Analytics.

When it comes to website analytics, one size definitely doesn't fit all. Think of it like shopping for clothes - you wouldn't expect everyone to fit into the same size shirt, right? Similarly, different businesses have different needs when it comes to understanding their websites.

Small businesses usually look for something simple and easy to use. They want to see the basics without getting bogged down in too much detail. That's where tools like Squid come in - they're like your comfy, everyday wear, providing just what you need without the complexity.

On the flip side, bigger companies often need a more tailored approach. They have bigger teams and more data to work with, so they can handle and actually need more complex analytics tools, like what Google Analytics 4 offers. It's a bit like a bespoke suit - made to fit perfectly, but not necessary or practical for everyone.

So, if you're running a smaller business and want to keep things straightforward, a solution like Squid might be just what you're looking for. It gives you the essential insights in a clear, no-fuss way, helping you understand your customers better and grow your online presence effectively.

Squid's Distinct Advantages in Simplifying Web Analytics for Small Businesses

Let's look at a few key reasons why Squid is a better choice for small businesses.

Technology Advantages Chart

Technology Summary

Squid is democratizing data analysis with AI-driven insights, making it a more suitable choice for small business owners. In contrast, GA4's traditional approach, requiring significant analytical skill, may pose challenges for those without the time or expertise to engage in detailed data interpretation. Squid leverages AI to interpret our streamlined and simplified dashboard charts, so you don't need to be an analytics expert to understand the data. Here are some comparisons:


Interpretation by AI: Uses AI to analyze and interpret dashboard data, providing clear, actionable insights.

User Experience: Delivers an intuitive experience, ideal for those without deep analytics expertise. Explains the 'why' behind data trends.

Time-Saving: Saves significant time for business owners, as it eliminates the need for manual data analysis and interpretation.

Decision Making: Facilitates informed decision-making by presenting complex data in an easy-to-understand format.

Reduced Learning Curve: Minimizes the learning curve associated with understanding analytics, making it accessible to all skill levels.

Google Analytics 4 (GA4):

Data Display: Focuses on showing data through various charts and reports, without added interpretation.

Analytical Skills Required: Users need a good grasp of analytics to interpret and make use of the data.

Time-Intensive: Can be time-consuming for users to analyze and draw meaningful conclusions from raw data.

Potential for Misinterpretation: Without proper analytics training, there's a risk of misinterpreting the data, leading to incorrect business decisions.

Steep Learning Curve: Necessitates a steep learning curve, especially for users not familiar with advanced web analytics.

Benefits for Small Business Owners:

Squid: Empowers small business owners with AI-assisted insights, making complex data accessible and actionable without requiring extensive analytics knowledge. This can lead to better and faster business decisions, as owners understand the implications of their data without getting bogged down in technical details.

GA4: While powerful for those who can navigate its complexity, GA4 may be overwhelming for small business owners lacking the time or expertise to delve into detailed data analysis. This could result in underutilization of valuable data insights, potentially impacting the effectiveness of business strategies.

# Core Features Making Squid Superior for Small Buinesses

This section will explore the common features you'll utilize to analyze your website's data effectively. Additionally, we'll highlight why Squid stands out as the preferred option for small businesses seeking to understand their website analytics.

Features Chart

Let's look at a few core features as it pertains to the benefits for small businesses and why Squid is the better choice for small businesses.

Event Tracking

The fundamental building block of any analytics product is its ability to accurately capture events and turn that data into meaningful insights. While GA4 offers robust analytics capabilities, its event tracking and labeling setup and maintenance can be overwhelming and time-consuming, especially for small business owners or those without technical experience. This leads to increased complexity and inaccuracy in data insights. 

Squid, on the other hand, simplifies the web analytics process with automatic tracking and an intuitive interface. This ease of use allows users to focus on applying insights and running their business, rather than navigating the complexities of a web analytics tool.

Here is what's involved to get proper event tracking:

Choosing What to Track:
GA4: Requires you to identify specific customer actions to track, like button clicks or form submissions.

Squid: Not applicable, as Squid automatically tracks a wide range of actions without the need for manual selection.

Setting Up Custom Events:
GA4: Involves creating custom events for specific actions you want to track, which can get technical with code writing.

Squid: No need for custom event setup. Squid handles event tracking automatically. No coding ever!

Adding Extra Details:
GA4: If you need more detailed information about an action, like which product was clicked, it requires adding code.

Squid: Simplifies this process, as detailed tracking is part of its default functionality. Again, no coding ever!

Implementing the Code:
GA4: You need to correctly add the custom code to your website, which can be daunting for those unfamiliar with web development.

Squid: No code implementation required, eliminating this technical barrier.

Testing It Out:
GA4: Requires testing to ensure the tracking is working as expected, which can be complex and time-consuming.

Squid: With automatic tracking, the need for extensive testing is greatly reduced.

Keeping Up with Changes:
GA4: Website changes may necessitate updates to your tracking setup, adding to maintenance efforts.

Squid: Automatically adapts to website changes, reducing the need for continuous updates.

Advantages of Squid Over GA4:

Ease of Use: Squid's automatic tracking feature is ideal for small business owners or non-technical users, offering a hassle-free setup.

Time-Saving: With Squid, there's no need to spend time learning, implementing, and maintaining complex tracking codes.

Adaptability: Squid seamlessly adapts to changes on your website, ensuring consistent and accurate tracking without additional effort.

Customization Without Complexity: Squid’s visual labeler allows for easy customization of event tracking, making it accessible for users to add personal touches without technical expertise.


Funnels are used to track the steps that users take on your website, like visiting a product page, adding items to a cart, and completing a purchase. It's like mapping out a journey you want your customers to take. Funnels are a key component to help optimize your website to understand where user engagement falls off and why.

For a small business owner or someone without technical expertise, setting up and maintaining funnels in GA4 can be a challenging task. It's not just about the initial setup; it’s about understanding and continuously managing a dynamic process. The complexity can be daunting – it's like being asked to not only chart a course through unfamiliar territory but also to keep adjusting it as the landscape changes.

This complexity and time investment can be a significant hurdle for those who need to focus on running their business, rather than on mastering the intricacies of a web analytics tool. 

Here is what needs to be done:

Defining the Funnel Steps:
GA4: Requires a clear understanding of your website's user journey. You need to identify each step you want to track, like page visits, item additions to cart, and purchases.

Squid: Not applicable as Squid doesn't require manual definition of each funnel step.

Setting Up Events for Each Step:
GA4: Involves setting up custom events for each funnel step. This can be technical and requires familiarity with GA4's event tracking system.

Squid: No need for prior event setup. Squid captures all site events automatically, simplifying the process.

Creating the Funnel:
GA4: After defining events, you create the funnel by arranging these events in order. This requires navigating the GA4 interface, which can be complex for beginners.

Squid: Funnel creation is intuitive and visual. You point and click on your website to set up funnel events, bypassing technical complexities.

Customizing and Segmenting Your Funnel:
GA4: Offers extensive customization options, allowing segmentation by user demographics or behaviors. This adds another layer of complexity.

Squid: Simple and user-friendly customization options are available, making it easy to tailor your funnel without added complexity.

Analyzing Funnel Data:
GA4: Requires a good understanding of analytics to interpret various metrics and their implications.

Squid: Provides a more accessible way to analyze funnel data, suitable for users without in-depth analytics knowledge.

Maintaining the Funnel:
GA4: Requires ongoing attention, especially if there are changes to your website. You may need to update your funnel setup to reflect these changes.

Squid: Offers adaptability without the need for continuous technical adjustments. Changes in the website are more easily accommodated.

Advantages of Squid Over GA4:

User-Friendly Setup: Squid's visual point-and-click setup is less intimidating and more accessible for small business owners or those without technical expertise.

Reduced Complexity: With automatic event tracking and easy labeling, Squid reduces the time and effort needed to set up and maintain funnels.

Flexible and Adaptable: Squid allows for easy adjustments and additions within funnels, providing greater flexibility without the complexity.

Focus on Business Insights: Squid enables business owners to concentrate on applying insights from funnels to improve their business, rather than getting bogged down in the technicalities of funnel setup and maintenance.


Heatmaps are a valuable tool in web analytics for gaining insights into user behavior, enhancing website design and usability, optimizing content and conversions, and improving the overall user experience.

While GA4 offers robust and detailed user interaction analytics, its lack of built-in heatmap functionality can be a limitation for those seeking visual insights into user behavior on their website. Squid’s integrated heatmap feature offers a more user-friendly and visually intuitive way to understand how visitors interact with your site, making it an appealing option for users who value simplicity and visual data representation.

Native Heatmap Functionality:
Squid: Offers built-in heatmaps for every page, providing a visual representation of where users click, scroll, and spend time on your site.

GA4: Lacks native heatmap functionality. To get similar insights, users must integrate GA4 with third-party heatmap tools.

Ease of Use:
Squid: Designed for simplicity, Squid's heatmaps are user-friendly and accessible to all levels of users, requiring no technical expertise.

GA4: Requires a more complex setup involving integration with other tools for heatmap-like insights.

Seamless Integration:
Squid: As a fully integrated feature, Squid's heatmaps work seamlessly with other analytics features on the platform, providing a unified user experience.

GA4: Users need to manage and correlate data between GA4 and external heatmap tools, which can be time-consuming and less intuitive.

No Additional Cost or Tools:
Squid: Heatmap functionality is included without any additional cost or the need for extra tools.

GA4: To achieve heatmap insights, users must invest in additional tools, potentially increasing costs and complexity.

Actionable Insights for Optimization:
Squid: The intuitive visual data from heatmaps makes it easier for users to make quick, informed decisions about website optimization.

GA4: Provides detailed data, but translating this into actionable insights for website optimization can require more analysis and expertise.

Focus on User Experience:
Squid: Heatmaps directly cater to enhancing the user experience by highlighting areas of high engagement and potential issues on a webpage.

GA4: While GA4 offers comprehensive analytics, deriving specific user experience insights may require deeper data analysis.

Advantages of Squid Over GA4:

Integrated Heatmap Functionality: Squid provides built-in heatmaps for every page, offering a direct visual representation of user interactions like clicks, scrolls, and time spent, which GA4 lacks natively.

Ease of Use: Squid's heatmaps are designed for simplicity and accessibility, suitable for all user levels without requiring technical expertise, unlike GA4 that demands a more complex setup and integration for similar insights.

Seamless Integration: Squid ensures a unified analytics experience with its fully integrated heatmap feature, while GA4 users face the challenge of correlating data between GA4 and separate heatmap tools.

Cost Efficiency: Squid includes heatmap functionality at no additional cost and without the need for extra tools, whereas GA4 users need to invest in additional tools for heatmap insights, adding to costs and complexity.

Actionable Insights for Optimization: The intuitive visual data from Squid’s heatmaps aid in making quick, informed decisions for website optimization, whereas GA4’s detailed data might require more extensive analysis and expertise for similar insights.

Enhanced User Experience Focus: Squid's heatmaps are directly tailored to improve user experience by highlighting key engagement areas and potential issues on webpages, a feature that requires deeper data analysis in GA4.

Updated on: 21/02/2024

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