Headline Metrics
This chart provides a snapshot of key website metrics, showing how your site is being used over the last 'x' days. Here's a simple explanation of each metric:
Current Visitors: Indicates the number of people on your site at the moment the data was calculated.
Visitors: Shows the number of total visitors to your site. (% returning) tells you how many of these total visitors have returned to any page of your website after 24 hours. This is an excellent indicator of customer loyalty or ongoing interest. You can also calculate "new" or "first-time" visitors to your site by taking the difference. In this picture, 2 visitors would be "new" and 3 visitors would be "returning"
Engagement: This is the percent of visitors who have engaged with your website content in a meaningful way. Squid marks a visitor as engaged when they scroll and click through your website, or visit another page.
Avg Time on Site: This is the average duration visitors spend on your site, which can help you gauge the overall engagement and interest in your content.
Conversions: Represents the number of new users or subscribers who have converted on the event configured by clicking the pencil on this card. This event could be a whitepaper download, webinar signup, or anything else you want to track.
Key Events: Refers to important actions taken by visitors, like downloads, link clicks, or contact form submissions, helping you understand which elements are effectively driving interaction (Learn More).
Each of these boxes also act as filters. When clicked, most other charts on the dashboard filter by this metric. This metric will also provide more detailed information in the 'Overview' chart. For example, the chart below represents 'Engagement' over the course of 24 Hours.
By reviewing these metrics, you can measure site activity, determine engagement levels, and track conversion-related actions, all of which are essential for making data-driven decisions to improve your website and marketing strategies.
Updated on: 21/02/2024
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