Page performance
This chart is a visualization of page performance on your website, showing how long visitors stay on a page against the number of views that page gets. Here’s an explanation of what this means:
Views (Y-Axis): The vertical axis shows the number of views each page has received.
Average Time in Seconds (X-Axis): The horizontal axis represents the average amount of time visitors spend on a page.
Data Points: Each dot on the chart represents a different page on your website. For example, the dot highest on the Y-axis shows a page with the most views. The dot furthest right on the X-axis indicates a page where visitors spend the most time.
Site Average: The notation "Site avg: 1.16 secs" provides the average time visitors spend across all pages of your site.
Color Gradient: The background color gradient from green to red visualizes performance ranges, with green indicating areas with more views and longer engagement (more desirable), and red indicating fewer views and shorter engagement (less desirable).
Ask Squid AI: By clicking the "Ask Squid AI" button, you can have Squid's AI analyze and interpret your chart data. It provides context, highlighting what's performing well, what needs improvement, and offers practical suggestions for enhancing your website's effectiveness.
The chart helps you understand which pages hold visitors' attention and are likely delivering valuable content and which may need to be improved to keep visitors engaged longer. This information is critical for optimizing your website to enhance user experience and retention.
Updated on: 09/02/2024
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